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salty odor

18 14:49:15

My mixed breed female dog has a salty odor several days after a bath. Also she itches on her tail, spot above the tail, and on the very back of her hind legs. I have tried dandruff shampoos, cream rinses, and hot spot stuff from the vet nothing works. Can you help me? Thanks

I don't know if I can help. Is this dog spayed? How old is she and what kind of flea control are you using? How often do you bathe her?
Are you using flea control in your house? Has the vet looked at her back and legs? What did he tell you it was? Does her skin look thick and gray?
I need to know these things before I can offer any recommendations. However, if she has a skin problem, you will need to get a tar-based shampoo that the vet will recommend for you. Dogs with seborrhea have a smell right after their baths and their skin has a moist, thick, greasy feel to it. Seborrhea is a secondary skin condition that can be brought on by bacterial infections, flea allergies, etc. Most dogs get this from constant assault from fleas and the allergic reaction they have to them.
This is called FAD, or Flea Allergy Dermatitis.

Here is an article about it:

Here is one on seborrhea:

That is about all I can tell you until you answer my questions. You might want to post this to Dr. Louis N. Gotthelf also, as he specializes in Dermatology in small animals.
He will be back on Oct. 20th.