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blood in puppy stool

18 15:00:05

I have a nine week old Maltipoo she has had deworming shots and is due  for more,she has small amounts of blood in her stool . Eating and drinking fine she seems fine and stool looks normal except for the small amounts of blood.If it is worms or parasites are they contagious to humans?

Blood in stool in small amounts is usually caused by irritations in the rectum inside. Changes of food can cause it, de-worming and stress.

If she was recently wormed she might have this for a short time. Round worms are the one worm that are a danger to children. They pick up the eggs in the grass outside and these can hatch and cause a condition called 'visceral larva migrans'.

With regular de-worming and sanitation practices your risk is almost zero.
Keep her on a regular diet, no treats, no surprises and her stool will settle down with the exception of her worming treatments.

Once she has been wormed three times her monthly heartworm medicine will keep her worm free.