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Cruciate Ligament

18 15:54:18

My Cocker Spaniel is 15 years old.  One year ago, she was diagnosed with right front rupture of the cruciate ligament.  Steroids were prescribed first, followed by Rumadil(sp?).  She has been fine since and active.  She has also had two bouts with Cancer (and 2 surgeries) on the front left paw.  Vet says he still can't get it all as it's between her toes.  She had a tough time recuperating from this surgery.  Last week, she started failing in her left hind quarters; the Vet (without taking x-rays yet) said it was probably the hind left cruciate ligament this time.  He wants to do blood work and x-rays then repair the ligament while she's "out".  I didn't elect surgery the first time because of the cost ($1200).  Now she's a whole year older.  What is your recommendation?  After doubling up on her Rumidil, she has been much better over the weekend.

Hi Marilyn!  This is a very personal decision and I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I would do, if this were my dog.
I wouldn't put a 15 year old dog through an extensive, invasive surgery like a cruciate ligament repair.  I assist in these surgeries every day and I see how difficult it is for a young dog to recover...I can only imagine what it would be like for a dog of 15 years of age.  I know that the veterinarian that I work for wouldn't suggest surgery at all for a dog of this age unless absolutely necessary.
The anesthetic that is used is flushed out of the system by the liver and the kidneys.  If the anesthesia is used on an older dog it will cause wear and tear on the liver and kidneys, upping the chances of the dog developing failure of these organs.
Since she had a tough time recuperating from the surgery to remove the cancer from her foot, I'm afraid that she wouldn't make it through an invasive surgery like the cruciate ligament repair.
It definitely is your choice, and any choice that you make will be the best for your dog.
Rimadyl, Etogesic and Glycoflex are all wonderful arthritic pain medications and will help her.  You can also ask your veterinarian for some Torbugesic, which is a canine pain reliever, for tougher days.
I hope this helps and please let me know how she does.