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dog panting/coughing

18 14:04:51


Hopefully you can help me. I have a 18 month old female shepherd mix. She is very healthy and within normal weight range according to our vet. She gets a fair amount of exercise, she is quite active being that she is still young and loves to play. I noticed recently that after running around a lot and playing that she pants very fast (which is normal for her) but she is coughing a bit while panting. Is this something I should be concerned about? Let me know if you need any more information. Thanks in advance!

Hello Ashley,
panting is pretty normal, as you say, the coughing isn't. She could have an upper respiratory infection. Do you know if she has a heart murmur and has she been treated for heartworm? Is she up to date with vaccinations?

I guess in this sort of instance if it is a simple upper respiratory infection or 'cold' it may just resolve with some rest after a few days. If it doesn't start to improve or she seems less active or goes off her food, I would visit your vet.

Hope that helps a little. It is a bit tricky to diagnose without being able to see here, hear the cough and listen to her chest, but so long as she is happy and playful hopefully it is nothing too serious.
