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help with a 4 week old puppy and shes the smallest out of the liter

18 15:19:20

Hi I have a 4 week old lab she is really tiny good thing is her eyes are open and she's walking but she's week and barely eats I try feedind her milk out of a bottle and a baby syringe it works she only drinks alittle..she wined and cryed all night I don't know wut to do and I don't want her to dye can u help me..I also gave her a flea bath but not sure if there all gone please I need ur help

Hello Patrice:  She is a bit young for the flea baths.  Was it the strong kind or was it an all natural flea bath????  

Also, can you get some doggie formula and give that to her by syringe. Feed 4-6 ounces every hour, when awake.

You may need to have the VET check her out. She may need some I.V. fluids and even an antibiotic.  

Good Luck with this!  I hope she will take some pup formula from you.

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel
NuVET Plus - the BEST doggie supplement in the USA