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white pus

18 15:22:16

first of sorry about the subject line

we have a 6yr old calico that has not been spayed and is not an outdoor cat but today she seems to have a white pus like substance from her vaginal area and she is licking alot. i think she may have a yeast infection but my wife thinks that there is more to this and believes that the cat is bloated as well but i dont see that part but she also seems to have an itch can you help at all

Please forgive the lateness of this answer but my internet connection has been down completely for two days.

Cats that get discharges like this that are spayed are usually having bladder infections or vaginitis. Either way, there is nothing you can do at home and she needs to see the vet to find out what it is and to get her some antibiotics.

If she is bloated that is another issue but the vet can tell you for sure.
I would make an appointment tomorrow.