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convulsing cat

18 15:57:19

I put over the counter flea medication on a cat and now it's convulsing I think it's having a siezure what do I do now?  

Paul, unfortunately just about every over the counter flea medication can cause horrible reactions in pets.  They SHOULD NOT be on the market, I can't understand how they are being allowed to be sold.  Frontline is the only safe product.  You need to get your cat to the vet IMMEDIATELY, as these reactions are extremely serious and sometimes fatal.  The sooner you get your cat there the better, and I can't stress that enough.  Your veterinarian will give him/her anti-seizure medication and fluids.  If no veterinary care is given, your cat will definately have a fatal reaction.
Please let me know how he/she does.
I am so sorry that you are going through this, and like I said, I have millions of stories of horrible reactions from these products, I have no idea how it is possible that they are stil on the market.  I'm very sorry that you are yet another victim.
Hang in there,