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I own 4 year old female airedale....

18 16:07:04

I own 4 year old female airedale. She recently developed 2 bald patches on
her flanks. Both are semetrical in postion just in front of her hips.
She doesn't lick them or "chew" as she might to get a flea. She is an
indoor pet, gets a bath occasionally, and also a grooming at least 2-3
times a year.  It's been 3 months since being noticed and the hair is not
coming back in.  The patches do not seem to be getting larger. The patches
appeared rather abruptly.  Any ideas??  

It may be seasonal flank alopecia which is related to the day/night cycles, or it could be due to an underactive thyroid.  Best thing is to take her to the vet to have her skin examined and a thyroid level taken.   She may need to have a skin biopsy done if the blood test is normal and your vet doesn't find any underlying cause.