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Two cats, two different issues. Help?

18 15:16:57

I have two cats, a 16 yr old and a 1 yr old.

I noticed two days ago that my 16 yr old has a large pupil in her left (our right) eye. I have also noticed that if she sleeps for awhile, the pupil goes smaller but not to its normal size. When she is awakened or scared by something, it goes huge again.The other pupil still remains the same size. My roommate and I also believe she has gone deaf as she does not come when we call her and she also doesn't make any reaction when we make noise near her.

My other problem involves a 1 and a half year old female cat. She has no fur on her legs or up her side. The baldness on her side goes almost halfway up her side.
I have also noticed small red bumps near her head. My roommate thinks she might be just scratching herself too hard but the bumps don't look like scratches. She also has one in the middle of the top of her head and two near her ear.

Please help? I don't have the money needed to take them to the vet right away and I don't know what to do. Thanks!

Your elderly cat should see a vet about her eye issue. This is usually a sign of something else going on and it could be related to her kidneys.
I wouldn't even guess but cats do get hypertension from developing renal (kidney) failure, so get her in and have her kidneys checked soon.

As for your other cat, this is called alopecia. It is usually self-inflicted from the cat licking all the time. This is also some thing the vet needs to see. It can be flea related but oftentimes is some sort of allergy that starts it.

She has the classic pattern of it from what you are describing.