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my 1yr old lhasa apso

18 15:11:40

my dog lola has just turned 1.her appetite is good but can be quite fussy, she is not unwell,very good natured, friendly and dosent bark that often either.But she seems to sleep all the time she will play, and does mix well with my other two dogs which are labradors.but sleeps all day given the chance is this normal or should i be worried.

Colleen -

Dogs do tend to sleep a great deal of the day. LLasas are not as active as labs, so consider that there will be times when the labs will want to play and the llasa will not be as playful.  

It does not hurt to have her evaluated by a veterinary professional,  Share your concerns with the doctor and he/she should be able to give you recommendations for testing your pup.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM