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scratching and itching

18 15:44:19

My dog has had fleas and we have been trying to control them.  We have used the medicine that you put on his back and used a flea shampoo for him.  We gave him a bath yesterday with the flea shampoo and it seems that it has taken away all the fleas but now he has dandruff and is scratching more than ever.  I think we dried out his skin.  Is there anything that we can put on him to relieve the itching til we take him to the vet?

thanks very much

Ok next time do this.

REGULAR shampoo- it will kill fleas :) and then put a topical on like FRONTLINE TOP SPOT, AVANTAGE or REVOLUTION.

You can give him some fatty acid supplements for now or you can rewash him in a fatty acid shampoo from the vet.