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non-toxic flea & tick prevention

18 15:15:33

QUESTION: Is there some natural, essential oil that can prevent ticks? Something to put on the skin?  I have 3 chihuahuas and a pomeranian.  One chi is only 11 wks. and I don't really like to put chemicals on them, though I do use revolution, and have purchased (but not opened) frontline+ as I am getting hundreds of seed ticks on little puppy every time she goes out.  Someone told me of "organic puppy dip"  an orange-oil dip.  Do you know about it?  Help! and thanks. Joyce B

ANSWER: Hi Joyce - I am glad you wrote to me:  Yes, you have come to the right place for some natural help on fleas, ticks and other bugs.
Be careful about using anything on your baby Chi.  Chemicals can kill a small dog or make them very sick.  Even when a product says it is Natural, it may not be so Natural at all.  Always buy from Quality and Solid companies.  Here are some links for you :
You will have some fun mixing a few tonics for your pets.  You won't beleive what you can make with a few essential oils.

First off - NuVET Plus is a must for any dog's quaity of life.  Keep them healthy and away from the vet with NuVET Plus wafers .... YOU can cut the wafer treat up into 2 or 3, they just break up easy.  Most dogs 99% of them love the taste of our wafers.  Guaranteed to eat it, or your money back.
Use order code 81098 - Tell them Marie from The Doggie Chalet Hotel and All experts sent you..
Read the testimonials on this site :  write down the order code - thanks  ( 81098)


Keep the fleas and bugs away - Learn about essential oils/ Natural and safe for your baby:

My Web site - here:

To order by phone the essential oils and pet products ,
call the live operator at 1-800-371-3515 so customer service can get you properly signed up as preferred customers.
Give the operator my distributor number 1027114  as your referring sponsor.

Here is some great info on" The Essential 7 Kit" for animals-  Oh, so many uses:  People too... people/animal kit*****

This PFD will explain how to make some mixes for your pets:  save this info:

Lavender is the most versatile of all essential oils and has been highly regarded as soothing to the skin.

Lemon helps support the immune system, according to Jean Valnet, M.D. It can serve as an insect or flea repellent...

Peppermint is soothing to the digestive system.  It is useful for digestive upset and to enhance your pet's appetite. Put a few drops in a spritzer with water and spray in mouth to get rid of doggie breath.

Joy **** magnetic energy, bringing joy to the heart. When diffused, it can be refreshing and uplifting if your pet is depressed.

PanAway was created by Gary Young as a result of an injury in which he severely tore the ligament in his leg. This blend contains Birch (Betula alleghaniensis), which has an active principle similar to cortisone; Clove (Syzygium aromaticum), which contains eugenol, a constituent used by dentists to numb gums and relieve pain; Peppermint (Mentha piperita), calming for nerves and Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum), soothing to localized discomfort. Great for inflammation, arthritis or muscle/ligament injuries.

Peace and Calming is a gentle, fragrant blend especially designed for diffusing.

Peace and Calming may be especially calming and comforting to your pet during an overactive, stressful day or if you breed dogs and have a bitch in heat and need your males to rest and be relaxed.

Purification - When applied directly to the skin, Purification can be excellent for soothing insect, flea or tick bites and for cleansing cuts and scrapes.

If you want to learn how to make many treatments for your pets, let me know... all kinds of natural help for your pets thru essential oils.  Buy the Essential 7 kit and we can talk about mixes for your pet's problems.

I am here to help you ... Just ask Marie

Marie Peppers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


You mentioned small dogs-- I think you meant mainly my puppy, but I just think I will not use the other chemical dots I have purchased...One vet told me small dogs have such a high metabolism that the Revolution can be used more frequently and in larger doses  (I live in the woods and pines so close.  Have raked and burned lately and that helped, but must sort of wait til it rains again to do more of that.)

I have used diatomaceous earth and borax in the yard and am researching a company called but they have no local retailers.  Also, expense is a consideration.  Nothing is too good for the babies, but some things are necessary to do another way, if you get my drift...

I hope the nutrition I provide in their food will help, and they seemed to like and be helped by the yeast and garlic tabs; but with food change, and puppydom, and life there are some soft puppy stools around here...So I treat the elder dogs with y&g tabs. I am feeding them Canidae (sp?).  I hope this is good food.  It was recommended by a friend who is fastidious in her research.  

If I use what I have on hand, I have Dr. Bronner's soap and citronella, rosemary and a few others, but not food grade as I suspect Youngliving must be, as I think they cannot lick some stuff. I have used vinegar rinse also, butreally only strong chemicals frontline specifically, have helped with the bugs, but that was before this new food.

I know you would only recommend the Youngliving and NuVet if they were THE ANSWER, so, please forgive me if I seem to refute your advice. I just gave up before, years ago and sprayed the frontline directly on them...?  Hope I don't  

Again, thanks, Joyce B.

Hi - Sounds like you know how to use some essential oils and make your own mixes...Good.
Yes, the garlic tablets are fine for the big guys to take.  
You can also place ground fresh garlic in the food and mix.

As for the NuVET - it is wonderful and I highly recommend it.
Youngliving is excellent and quality.... Essential oils will only work if they are good quality.

As for the food, Canadide is a very good food.  One of the best..
The Dr. Bronner's Soap and citronella, rosemary .... Wonderful!

you don't need me... You seem to have done your homework.

Best wishes!
