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Puppy leg fracture

18 15:06:09

QUESTION: My puppy has a leg fracture and has a cast on it, i cant seem to get her to go to the bathroom. What can help her?

ANSWER: How long has she had this cast on, which leg is it on and how old is she?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Its her left leg and she was born on October 4th of this year.

Thanks for the follow up but the most important question, how long has this cast been on her leg, wasn't answered. I am sure she must be relieving her self somewhere.

It is unlikely she will go more than two -three days with out a bowel movement and less to urinate. She is either going in the house or when you are not looking. You also didn't tell me what she is or is not doing-is she wetting but not had a BM? Is she moving her bowels but you haven't seen her urinate?