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daisy isbleeding

18 14:11:50

My dog Daisy,shie is small cross 9 y old dog got on her period which lasted ar 2 week. Just when she came off she started bleeding again and the colour is deep red nearly black.She hasn't been spayed.Is it infection?

A dog's heat cycle lasts about 21 days, not two weeks. They are swollen for a week, then they bleed for a week, then the swelling goes down over the next week.

It sounds like your dog needs to see the vet. The discharge you are describing is pretty dark but could be normal. She isn't out of the bleeding part completely yet anyway.

Once she is done with her third week you need to take her in and get her spayed. The chances of her getting a uterine infection go up every time she has a heat.

She needs to be spayed so make the appointment now for a week from now.