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flea collar poisoning

18 14:49:05

hey, my cat is about 2 months old, i got her a flea collar. once i opened it i felt it had a very strong smell but i didnt really give it much thought. after i put it on her i felt her become kid of woozy, so i immediately took it off. the next day she woke up nothing seems to be wrong with her, her appetite is all good but she's sleepy all the time and seems just a bit off.
what could be wrong with her? and is there anything i can do that can make her a bit better??

First thing is to throw out the flea collar. Like outside. The chemicals in it are too strong for an eight week old kitten.
She will be sleepy for a day or so while she gets that out of her system. You should wash any part of her that was in contact with the collar, like around her neck. Use a warm, wet washrag and some very mild soap then rinse it off using a clean washrag. She won't like it so because cause she might scratch and/or bite you.

I don't know what kind of flea control sells in Europe but I use Ovitrol spray on cats older than 12 weeks. For young kittens like her the best thing to do is get a flea comb and then comb her with a bowl of water next to where you are sitting as you comb her. Drop some dish soap into the bowl and then as you catch fleas on the comb dump them in the water where the dish soap will kill them. You might want to fog your house while you take her in a carrier out for the day. Take her to a friends or your vets- some will just let the cat hang out there in the back room while you fog your house. Use an Ovitrol fogger if you can get one. The vets sometimes have them- some pet stores.

When you come home open the windows and let it air out. Keep using the comb on her daily until you find no more fleas. When she is older you can get her on Program which will eliminate all the fleas from the house in time.

She is sleepy from the chemical and that is why you need to wash her off.

Please let me know how she does.