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blood in dogs pee

18 15:40:41

i have a lovely dog, and she is almost two years old. she has been very healthy. but last night, there's blood in her pee. the color is not dark red, more like a pee and bloods mixture. she is still playing like normal today. Is she sick with something? what can i do?


Is she spayed? If not, the blood you have seen may be the normal preoestrus bleeding (right before they actually go on heat). Other causes may be an urinary infection, urinary stones and crystals, tumors of the urinary bladder, blood parasites like babesia and diseases like leptospirosis( which can be contagious to humans). So if she is not on heat, I would strongly suggest that you take her to a vet asap. Please keep me informed on how it goes.

Kind Regards,
Caglar Kondu Erkip