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skinned cat tail

18 14:55:11

we rescued a kitten tonight and the tail looks like someone skinned it. My question is, will the hair grow back? or does it depend on the depth of the skinning?

That depends on what you mean by "skinned." If the skin has been ripped off and all you see is a long, vertebrae exposed tail, then no.The would require a tail amputation. Exposed bone is not a good thing.
If you see naked skin on the tail but it is other wise intact, then possibly yes, the hair itself can grow back.

Good nutrition is a cornerstone in recovery for any of us mammals, so make sure that you get this kitty on some Science Diet Kitten Growth so that he will be a healthy and strong cat when he grows up.

Kitten Chow is coated with milk and thus very bad for kittens, so don't get that or cheap grocery store food to help this kitten recover.

You should also get him/her into the vets and tested for leukemia, FIP, FIV and anything else that would be fatal to the kitten.
Better to find out now then get attached and then find out he is really sick.

I hope he does well. Let me know how it goes in a while.