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Dog has a reaction to ear cleaners

18 14:44:55

Hi - my 3 year old female Golden retriever has recurring ear problems and skin sensitivity to products.  She has had a sever reaction to Advantix (now use Frontline and the reaction is not as bad).  She previously had Epi-Otic but the ears became red, inflamed and she scratched the insides out.  Two days ago she had her ears flushed with PAW and we have been back to the vet today with another reaction and now wears the cone of shame.  She is now on anti-biotics - Amoxyclav(no more Otomax drops).  Her diet is two cups of Advance weight control a day (she weighs 30 kilos), with the occasional bone and treat (cheese or dog choc drops).  She is walked daily and ,apart from the ear thing, is generally a healthy dog. She has not been swimming for months. Her vets have never seen this type of reaction before and we need some long term solution.  I am nervous about some of the home remedies (alcohol, vinegar etc.).  Any suggestions?

The dog needs to be on a steroid to take away the skin reaction to topical products.  The ears can be cleaned with warm water, but then depending on what type of infection is in the ears, a water based antibiotic or antifungal with a steroid should be used.  Don't use any ointments.