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Cat cries at night

18 14:44:53

I have a 3 1/2 year old male cat. He was neutered and received his vaccinations. He has always been a bit high-strung (i.e. running around the apartment, nipping my feet, lots of energy) -- I have always taken it to be a need for attention since I'm not home a lot. As a result, I often put him in a separate room at night so that he does not keep me up by pouncing on the bed and nipping my feet. Recently the problem has intensified greatly at night. If I put him in a separate room, he cries for hours. If I let him into my bedroom, he bites me and pounces all over the bed. Both alternatives leave me sleepless. Please help!

Well this cat is lonely Alicia plain and simple. He wants and needs more attention than a lot of cats. Males especially are prone to having issues with being alone and with nipping if they are not getting what they want.

Some neutered males develop a problem that is related to but not exactly sexual arousal. It only happens to neutered males and it has to do with them getting aggressive to the point of biting violently when petted on the back and toward the tail area.

It seems to happen a lot to 75 yr old women with male cats a lot!
Your cat needs a companion. I know you probably don't want to hear that, but cats do much better with another one around, rather than being alone. They keep each other company all day and that calms them down when you are around. My suggestion to you is to get a neutered, female cat for him to have as a companion.

It will take time for them to like each other but it won't be too long. You are not going to be able to break this habit of his even by paying attention to him each evening.

Putting him in a room is the worst thing you can do for him as it makes him feel even worse by separating him from his only love- you. He is away from you all day then you lock him up to boot afterward- that is sheer torture for him.

So think about it Alicia. Two cats are no more trouble than one- trust me I know. Get one from the Humane Society that is already spayed and vaccinated and that will save you some money. Make sure she is tested for leukemia before you bring her home.

He will be happy for a playmate and you will start to get some sleep at night.
He will thank you daily and so will she.

Please let me know how it goes.