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jelly like stool of my saint bernard female

18 15:10:49


mucus last night
my st bernard female is now 4 months old.
day before yesterday evening she vomitted the undigested rice given to her and then puked out some browny liquid thereafter.
i gave her some curd and water which she drank and after some time gave her some bread crumbs and dog food ie pedigree tablets. she vomitted the same in about an hours time when i checked the vomit it was unchewed bread crumbs and pedigree tablets with some yellow liquid in it. thereon i gave her curd agin which she took in and after that late evening when i took her for potty it was a yellow okur jelly type with a foul smell. thereon she went for potty 6-7 times and all was jelly type potty with foulf smell.
i gave her 1/2 tablet NORFLOX Tz ; Each tablet contains Norfloxacin 400 mg, Tinidazole 600 mg  yesterday noon evening and night. last night when i took het out for potty it was jelly like  and then she was trying to push out some more of it which wasnt coming out from her rectum. i pulled the same by a piece of paper and it came out to be around 6 to 7 inch long mucus again with a foul smell.
in the night also the potty was jelly type with slight yellow grey in colour.
today in the morning the potty was again jelly type but better than earlier and hen solid as well but of same colour which whwn was lifted by me came up all as a single part.
other wise she is fully active and eating all what she likes and playing as well but i can observe she has gone slightly weaker.
would like t ask you what could be the probable reason for the same?? is it fatal?? what should i do before i take her to the vet?

The first thing you need to do is get this dog on a normal and healthy diet. Not pedigree, not curds. Dogs are lactose intolerant and all this will do is cause some diarrhea.

Mucousy, jelly like stools are a sign of a mal-absorption problem. This is a very serious problem. There are many forms of it, some are worse than others. Most are treatable with life-long enzymes given with the food. But they have to be on a high quality food, which Pedigree is not.

You need to get her to the vet's as soon as you can as a 4 month old dog doesn't have a lot of reserves in energy. She is weak because she isn't digesting her food- what little of it that she is getting.

Bread is also a food that will not digest well and gives her no nutrition value at all. You first need to get her diagnosed by the vet about what the actual problem is then you need to get her on a diet that will help her grow properly as well as address her digestive issues.

Hills make a whole bunch of diets that will do this for her. But before you get one for her she must see a vet! I wouldn't wait long either. Get her in tomorrow if you can.
Since I don't know the vaccination history on this dog make sure you have her current on her parvo vaccs and her rabies, as well as worming her for round worms and heartworms. If her stool was bloody and not jelly-like I would suspect parvo but what you are describing is a classic voluminous stool from some type of malabsorption syndrome.

I hope you get her in soon. Please let me know what you find out from the vet.