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Dog afraid of crate now

18 15:16:04

 My 7 month old Vizsla kept us up the other night with whining (his crate is next to me in the bedroom).  I kept taking him outside and then back in, but the cycle continued.  He ended up with hives and an all day visit at the vet.  Ended up he had an allergic reaction to something.  Now, I can't get him to go back in the crate for bedtime.  He will go in, but gets very nervous and whining and hangs out in the corner breathing heavy.  He is fine still with being crated in the kitchen when we leave.  I have changed the crate linens and also moved it to another side on the room.  I let him sleep with us last night and he was fine with that!  However, I like crating him at night as I am still nervous of accidents (although he hasn't had one in months) and I also like to have my 'people time'.  Any suggestions?

OH boy Stephanie!  YOU gave him a taste of MOM and Dad's bed!  Yes wants in the bed now...right?

YOU can try a few things -
Option 1.  put him in another room, in his crate.  Make sure there is a radio on with some soft music or a "talk" radio station would be fine.  Also, cover his crate with a sheet, just like you would cover a bird for bedtime.
If it is too hot, then you can't cover him up.

Option 2.  You can buy some bad boy pants " male wrap " - the male wrap will wrap up his penis for the night ... ( you can put a feminine maxi pad in the wrap).
Then, he can be in be with you???  If you want :

As for Allergies - You may want to start him on NuVET Plus - this is an allergy fighter and immune system Booster! The Vizsla breed tends to have allergy problems through a lifetime... This will help him to fight off any allergens that are hitting him.. Many times the allergens are pollen, grass ( fresh cut ) , mold, dust, cats, carpeting, paints....and so on.....too many to list:

Call Joan and tell her you would like to start on NuVET plus wafer supplement / Give her order code 81098 - this is a breeder/vet's code for ordering.  They can't sell to the public without this code.
Not sold in any stores...
It will cost you about .55 Cents per day for the NuVET Plus...

1-800-474-7044 EXT 265

Please e-mail me with updates on his allergy condition.. I hope your get the NuVET ASAP and we can stop the Allergens in their tracks!

Marie Peppers, LPN MA
Canine Nutrition & Health

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