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medicine for my rabbit

18 15:09:05

I took my rabbit to the vet today because it has a red weepy eye and clear snotty nose.  He gave her a shot of baytril.  He also gave me a bottle of Clindamycin Hydrochloride which he said to give her dropper full once in the AM and once at night.  After I got home I was reading the fine print and it said because of potential adverse gastrointestinal effects, do no administer to rabbits.  Now I'm afraid to give it to her.  He said he thought she has snuffles.  Will the shot be sufficient for her to get better?  Thanks so much for your help!!!!

No, the injection isn't enough. If you are concerned about the clindamycin call the vets and tell them or take the bottle back and show them the print then ask for an alternative.
That is how you are pro-active in your rabbits health. Good for you for reading the labels!