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doggie pneumonia 14y/o retriever

18 14:28:31

Thank You Doctor!

Thank you for your time here.  Your experience as a Vet and pet lover will suffice for my answer.

she was in good health, no meds prior to this incident.

I have a 14 year old female golden retriever.  She came into contact with 'kennel cough';  rec'd doxycycline antibiotics Oral for about 5 days, but progressed into pneumonia.  She is on intravenous Ab and nasal oxygen.  She seems to have declined.

Currently she is struggling in ICU. 24 hrs of Ab and O2 have done little, actually her ABG arterial blood gases have worsened....

is it time for euthanasia? do I have hope?  Finances are of course a concern.  Tell me she will get better and I will mortgage the house, tell me it is a waste of time....... and I will let her go........


Dear Sal,

There are still some possibilities to try - Reiki (see below) or an intuitive healer (email me for a list if interested ( If you can find an integrative healer near you, there are many modalities that could possibly cure, but it sounds like she cannot be off the oxygen at this time, so it is hard for me to make a suggestion.

From the book, Healthy Animal's Journal - "Reiki: Personally, I think every person who lives with or works with animals must know at least Level I Reiki. The practitioner places her hands upon the animal (or it can be done from a distance as some animals are too sensitive for direct touch) with the intent for healing to occur. The energy flows through the healer into the animal. This is based on directly applying Chi (energy) to rebalance the energy field so it no longer needs to produce the physical symptoms. It is a very good adjunct to any healing modality, especially to relieve pain and inflammation. It also "takes the bad out of" things. By doing Reiki on smelly water in restaurants I have been able to drink sweet tasting and smelling water. Use Reiki anytime that you must give injections, vaccines, drugs, flea or heartworm drugs, or other substances with potential toxicity. Do you work in a grooming salon, or kennel, or veterinary clinic, or barn or anywhere animals are being seen? Use your Reiki on any treatments to be given and to calm the animals. People have reported getting animals to eat by doing Reiki on their food.  .  is a great practitioner in Maryland who knows a lot about cats. Get a free treatment at Great information on Reiki - Kathleen Prasad is a wonderful teacher and works with my favorite sanctuary and holistic education center, BrightHaven She just had an article on Reiki in Feline Wellness. Kathleen leads a free monthly telechat for anyone trained in Reiki and using it with animals. If you cannot find a Reiki Class near you (same class for people and animals as it connects you through an "attunement" to the healing energy of the universe, making you a channel of healing), three groups offer long distance, free, attunements.,   Another group that offers Reiki attunements, classes and training on-line and animal classes, too  A client of mine is using Christine, Her name is Christine at, To receive free distance Reiki send her your first name only, city and state, and whether or not you have had any Reiki training.  She invites you to include your pets as well.  She uses a teddy bear and does a full body Reiki distance treatment for one hour each Sunday evening from 9 p.m. until 10 p.m. EST. Another very experienced Reiki practitioner is Barbara Mariano, in CA (remember they do this from a distance) -

Another wonderful healer, Deena Spears works long distance with Tuning, which is similar to Reiki. I have seen many animals and the people in a home be healed by her work.


You can go to the web sites for each type of holistic practice and use their referral list to find one near to you:
1. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine: &
2. Homeopathic veterinarians (these can often help you by phone if no other holistic practitioners are nearby that you like): and To find homeopathic practitioners for yourself, and homeopathic products, go to;;
3. Chiropractor -
4. Wide range of other treatments:, American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association

Be sure to let her know that while you are looking for other options, you want the best for her and that you will be fine if she decides to leave this physical body and go on to the next great adventure. do a life review with her and any other family members - the good and the bad. Get Rescue remedy from health food store and rub some on her ear or put onto a cloth in her cage. Put a few drops in glasses of water for the humans to sip as well.