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My Doberman

18 14:43:24

I have a 7 year old Doberman. I read online that they do not live very long. I will be taking my dog to the Vet soon but I figured if I knew something to do for him now, it would help. He does not have flees or anything but he keeps biting at his fur. He somehow managed to mess with it so much, he tore some of the skin off and has a big red mark on his side. He bites at it and makes it bleed, so I put neosporn on it and taped it but he got it off. Now, he is biting some other places to, like his leg. Do you know what could possibly be wrong, or what I could do for him? I dont want him to be in pain but it dont seem like he is, if he was Id take him to the Vet right away. I just really dont know whats wrong with him. Thank you.

I would say he is in pain and intensely itching which is very uncomfortable. Any time a dog rips off his own skin he is in distress of some sort.

He probably has a flea allergy and can also be allergic to other things in the air which will make him itch and chew and dig at himself.
He needs to see a vet right away or he is going to get some secondary infections in his skin from chewing and from flies.

Some dobermans have lived to be 13-14 yrs old. That is the average age of a dog under 55 lbs but some breeds that are larger make it longer.