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Clear Spots

18 15:17:19

My jack russel has a few spots where the hair is completly gone like a scar after a sore(blank pink spot). What is wrong?

Hello-  Your kid could just have some hot spots.... If it continues to spread it could be mange.  Have the vet take a look if it gets any worse.  Mange can be treated by a vet with salve and some antibiotic.  ONLY if it spreads in places would it be Mange.

Now, if it is hot spots:  This will work to get rid of them-
Give you baby some yogurt each day - The Active cultures kind - Activia Brand - buy some vanilla flavored and give 1/4 cup   at 2 x per day.  Do this for 1 week and see if it helps the yeast - hot spots.

Next - give your kid some salmon oil each day - 1 teaspoon of Pure salmon oil every day - great for the skin and coat!

Last - Order some NuVET plus wafers - The BEST skin and coat supplement in the USA /  also - an immune system Booster.
Only .55 cents per day for your baby to be on NuVET Plus teat wafers.
Order here : Call Joan and tell her Marie sent you:
1-800-474-7044 Ext 265  ( Joan can explain the MONEY back guarantee and help you with the first order)
NOT sold in stores - Give here BREEDER code 81098 / they can't sell to the public without a code ...

Let me know how things are in about 30 days.

BEST wishes on this!

Marie Peppers
The Doggie Chalet Hotel