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Random urination

18 15:48:17

My kitten is about 6 months old. She has started peeing in places other than the litter box; mostly on clothes & on beds. My room-mates are not pleased. There is another cat in the house, much older, and doesn't really have anything to do with my kitten. They do share a litter box. Could this be medical, is it something I've done, is she trying to tell me something? We're at wits end here.

Hi Cheryl

You need to add another cat box to the mix. The rule of thumb ALWAYS with cats is 1 litter box per cat and if you can, one extra.. so 3 boxes is IDEAL. 2 is the minimum.

BUT your cat can also have a urinary tract infection too. I would have that looked into. MOST of the time its a medical situation with cats.

good luck