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Yorkie 2nd siezure and now infrequent limping

18 15:11:51

My dog is 3 years old and I witnessed her having (I guess) a seizure about a month ago. I was horrified and took her to the emergency vet. They took blood and found nothing wrong with her. The vet suggested she might have Epilepsy. Told me to watch her and write down info if she has another one, etc. She had her second one last week. No more since then. But for the last week off and on, she is holding her hind left leg up like it is hurt. Then she goes back to normal. This has happened several times since then and at least twice a day now. When I try to see if she has hurt it, she exhibits no pain what so ever and still runs in the yard after rabbits and birds. I am out of my mind at this point and I am wondering is this a symptom of her possible epilepsy? I do appreciate any help you can give me.

Sounds like two totally unrelated things. She may have wrenched her knee when having her seizure but the chances are better that she has a luxating patella, or kneecap, that is going in and out.

When they pop out of alignment the dogs packs the leg up- then it will pop back in and the dog runs off on her merry little way. This is something the vet needs to evaluate.

But it most likely has nothing to do with the seizures.