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rashes on puppies

18 15:57:01

hello  i have  a 6 month old chihuaha and she has been sick for a few days   i recently took her to the vets office and  was told it was just her stomach and food she had been eating.  she also has  little bumps on her head  that she got   about 3months ago  when she had a reaction to some pills  she is getting the bumps again  and i was told to put benadryl  on her head. i just want to know if that is how she has  allergisc reactions  or should we be worried more about them? could it be something else? and just fo a second opinion  should we put the benadryl on her?  please help  we love her vey much  and would like to see her better!   proud owner

BEnadryl does not have much effect in dogs because most of their skin problems are NOT related to histamine.  If there are little bumps, that is probably infection and that is usually secondary to something else.  In a young puppy, I would think of something like mange as a culprit.  Ask your vet to check for that.  If the puppy needs antibiotics, they can prescribe them for you.