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small dog in mourning/depression

18 15:55:06

I have a 5-6 year old, male, toy fox terrier. He grew up with another dog we had who died 1 1/2 years ago. My husband and I separated 4 months later. I just got him back since I recently moved where dogs are allowed. He was never alone when he was with my husband, but I am gone 13-14 hours 5 days a week and in and out on weekends. I give lots of love and affection, exercise, play, and TLC when home. It isn't enough. He whines every time I'm out of his sight. My neighbors say he howls a very pitiful cry the whole time I'm at work. Will he get through this or would it be best to take him back to my ex where he will have constant companionship? I love him and want to do what is best for him. I've had him a month and he's not coming out of it. Please advise soon, I'm worried about him. Thank you. Oh, he does eat fine, he just cries all the time and seems very depressed.

Hi Mary!  It sounds as though he has a case of separation anxiety!  My Shih Tzu has this as well.  A dog with separation anxiety would do best in a home where there is someone with him often. You could also get him a companion cat/dog (whichever would be best), which will make him not feel so lonely when you aren't there.  
Best of luck,