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I have a 3 year old male Yorkshire...

18 15:57:38

I have a 3 year old male Yorkshire terrier. He had originally belonged to my daughter, and we both recently moved. He seems to be suffering seperation anxiety. He cries and barks when he can't be physically next to me. What can I do to stop this behavior?

Hi there!  Moving can always be stressful in humans and animals alike!  How long has it been since this little guy has been in your care?  He may just need some time to adjust.  Seperation Anxiety is very common.  You may want to talk to your veterinarian about it, as he/she can possibly prescribe something for him, or refer you to an animal behavioralist.
Has he always had seperation anxiety?  Or has this just started since in your care and new home?  If it has just started, it really may just be stress, and that he needs time to adjust.  My little shih tzu was like that for a few weeks when my husband and I moved.  Pets hate unfamliar places because their scent isn't on anything, and they feel lost and uneasy.  Usually in about a 2week to a month period, they will adjust.
I wish I could be of more hep!
Hang in there!