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GSD puppy limps

18 15:26:33

My 7 week old German Shepherd puppy limps.  He walks a bit then his hips give out and he goes down.  He is very lethargic.  He lies around all time.  What could this be?

I don't know for sure since I am not there to look at the dog but any German Shepherd that has hips giving out just walking around at 7 weeks is not in good shape. You need to get this dog evaluated at a vets right away.
We have seen very badly bred Shepherds at that age going down in the hips which speaks very badly of the breeding of this dog.
It might not be hip related at all but something like a pan-osteitis. This is pain in the bones but either way this dog needs to be seen so you can decide whether or not he will even make it past the age of 4 months.
If he is in bad shape from breeding you need to get your money back soon so this is very important.
Please let me know what the vet says.