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Follow Up

18 14:38:50

I contacted you yesterday to ask about a sore on my dog's stomach.  Your response was timely and helpful so I resolved the question.  However, I now I have a follow up question.  When checking the area this morning I noticed that the sore (large blister in appearance) has popped.  She is more aware of it now and tries to lick it often.  She was spayed sometime in the last 6 months (we only adopted her a month ago) so I am wondering if you still think it could be a suture?  If so, what should we do from here?

Yes I do Lauren and you need to have the vet look at it. It has all the appearances of a suture trying to work its way out from under the skin.

It's very common and it's from the skin or muscle layer just not liking the type of suture that was used. It could also be a sticker in there but it's doubtful.
Only the vet can get it out because it might be a few layers deep. Don't let him/her tell you to watch it, they do not work out on their own and the drainage and sore will not resolve until the offending piece of suture is removed.

Let me know what you find out it is.:-)