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Bubbles under cats skin

18 14:41:16

Please help, I live in a country where I have had issues with the vet care, and feel they do not go to the lengths in exams, diagnosis or treatment options as in the US.  My four month old female kitten was out on our patio when I came home today (she is usually an indoor cat).  I brought her in and noticed she is acting strange, and hasn't touched her food all day.  I felt that on one side of her ribs and a bit in her belly it feels like there are air bubbles beneath the surface, and they even make a popping sound when you run your finger over them with pressure.  I'm really concerned, could this be some sort of internal bleeding?  She kind of smells like she has gas, and her breathing seems maybe a bit labored, but its difficult to tell.  Please help with some options as I don't trust that the vet here will explore many possibilities or treatment options.  Your help is greatly appreciated in advance.

You are describing subcutaneous emphysema.  That is usuall from a hole in the skin near the loose skin under the front leg.  When the leg moves, air is sucked in and when it is moved in the opposite direction, air moves out.  This is almost like a bellows that you would use for lighting a fire.  Some of this air will create bubbles.  If the hole is closed up, the air will dissipate.