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We have a Great Dane 22 months...

18 16:06:55

We have a Great Dane 22 months old we have only had for two weeks. He has
Lick Granduloma on his left rear leg. It was infected when we got him. Our
Vet gave him an anti-biotic and cleared the infection. We are putting
vitamin E ointment on the sore. Out Vet concured with this but the
prognosis is that he will always have the scar tissue from the LG.

Do you feel there could be a complete cure?  

Lick granulomas are actually the result of an obsessive compulsive disease (OCD), which originates in the brain.  I have a laser and I vaporize the granulation tissue in the lick granuloma with it. In 3 weeks the granuloma heals up nicely.  However, the dog often will start one on another leg or in another place.  Some vets recommend the use of Prozac for this disease.