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please help Tia

18 15:02:15

Hi, I have a cat that is now 1 years old. When I got her at 3 months 2 weeks later she started to limb and trip on her front right foot, and it spread to all her limbs by 3 weeks - X-rays show nothing, she has also got a heart murmur 3 and a liver problem. She if fully grown and weighs 2.5kgs never puts on weight and eats 6 times a day but finds it hard to do so. She walks close to the ground and can't jump. When she was younger she had diareara and it would have blood and mucus in it, but this has stopped.
if you can help i would be very very grateful. And ask any questions if it will help.

Thank you

there are so many things going on with your cat that there is no way I can do anything for her. What kind of liver problem does she have? Has she ever been tested for leukemia? What does your vet say is wrong with her? A one year old cat with a heart murmur is rare also.

I really can't do much other than tell you to monitor her with your own vet and follow whatever he tells you.  I think you should have her tested for leukemia and even FIP and if she is positive then you should decide whether or not she should continue on this way. It does not sound as if her quality of life is very good.

I am sorry I cannot be of more help. You can also re-post to one of the vets in here and maybe they can help.