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Vomiting, Consitpation and heavy breathing...

18 15:26:23

My mom died April 23rd or last year and i inherited her loved adult male Himalayan cat... I'm not sure how old he is, But she had him for 3 or 4 years and he was and adult when she got him...
We have noticed that he by feeling well, I can tell by the way he acts and from the look in his eyes... Also he has been throwing up, To day when he was laying by me i noticed it stomach was make very loud noises, and 15 minutes later he went to the litter box and tried to poop, I watched him and nothing cam out and he still tried to cover it... So i know he is constipated, but also we have notices he is snoring and breathing heavily.. The snoring isn't abnormal for him, but when he is in the living room with us we can hear him breathing loudly and his nose kinda have a squeaky wheeze to it... We are going to get him some Pertomalt or something like it to ease his tummy, But i was wondering it all these things are in common for a kitty cold or something.. And if there is something i can do to make him feel better... You know like when our parents give us Vitamin C... I know he is probably old.. But he is my best friend, and i don't have much money at all... So if you think theres a chance that its a big deal i get him to a vet, i will... I defiantly don't want to loose him... But if its more then likely something not severe then i would love for advice eon helping him and seeing if that works and go from there... It doesn't seem like an emergency, I'm just worried about his comfort at the moment.. But i was worried it may be signs of something going wrong, or him getting old and needing something that i wouldn't know about... Please help me out, Vets are expensive, but if nothing else helps i will have to bring him... Some hopefully his symptoms sound familiar to you and you know of some over the counter stuff that can help.. O a home remedies to try...  Then if all else fails, off to the vet for blood worked and a check up!

My apologies for the delay.  It sounds as if I couple different things could be going on.  The wheezing could be from a viral cold yes, which should resolve itself.  If it does not over a week's time I would suggest trying to have him seen to see if something is obstructing his breathing or whether an infection is present.

For constipation you can try adding a small amount of vegetable oil or bran fiber to his food to help him pass the feces.  Constipation can lead to gaseous buildup and sounds.  If you would like to try this out and see how he responds please feel free to write back with the results so we can go from there.