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Golden retriever has real wobbly real legs, cant hardly walk

18 14:28:35

I ran my girl for a 1/2 mile and kept coaching her to run even though she was showing signs of resistance. At the end of it she could hardly walk and her rear legs were both real "wobbly". They still are and this was this afternoon. Right now she is calmly laying down but doesn't want to get up and move around. I had some leftover pain med from when she had a large fatty tumor removed and have given her that. This has never happened before. What could cause that wobbling in the rear legs and her reluctance to walk? Thank yoou. I did a range of motion on each leg and there was no screaming or anything. Thank you. ps One leg was very hard to get into motion but I was able to and she did not wimper or anything.

You didn't mention this dogs age,which could have a lot to do with this. I don't think I need to mention that you should never force a dog to run beyond her capacity. She was trying to let you know that with the resistance you were encountering with her. She had good reason not to keep that pace up and now she is paying the price.

There are many reasons why she might be so wobbly still- pulled muscles, spinal pain, joint and muscle pain, knee pain, even a heart issue.

The bottom line is that she needs to see a vet and sooner than later. She probably needs some steroids and muscle relaxants at this point. Your vet can check her knees and see if she has pulled or torn anything.

In either case, you need to make an appointment to get her in right away.