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Dogs and Pancreatitis

18 15:06:31


My 4 year old, 7 1/4 lbs, 9 1/2" at the shoulder, toy poodle has an undescerning palate and managed to consume copious amounts of sunflower seed shells at a local soccer field in Jun...they got stuck in her digestive tract and she ended up with a pancreatitis and worse for wear.  She was treated, in the end, with amoxil and flagil.

Due to this undescerning palate, she gets into trouble.  Today, she ate 3 lindt dark chocolate balls (about 3/4" in diameter each), and 2 mini hershey bars.  

She has become excessively thirst...and is peeing a LOT.  This is not the first occassion for this since June...maybe it would be the 4th.

Does this sound diabetic to you?
Thank you in advance for taking my question!

Chocolate (especially dark chocolate) can be toxic, plus is high in fat which can trigger a pancreatitis attack in a susceptable dog, plus drinking and urinating a lot can be indicative of diabetes, but also other problems.  Long story short, your dog needs to see your vet TODAY. Call right now if you have not done so already, and bring the wrappers from any chocolate (or other foods or otherwise) your dog has eaten with you.  Good luck