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feeding and old dogs

18 16:05:26

my friends dog collie/spaniel cross is nearly 15 years old,has been on metacam for about 18months,cannot hardly walk, and has a large swwelling on one side of her body,she is laying about now and wont eat, has not eaten for 5 days, she is drinking but not interested in food, he does,nt want to have her put down he wants her to die naturally,i think its time to now. what do you advise..

Dear Kay, I am sorry to hear that your friends dog is not well.Getting any pet put down is not a pleasant experience, but you must also look at if he is suffering and struggling to keep alive now. I would recommend a trip to the vets or even a phone call, he may suggest ways to make your friends pet comfortable through medication,or diet change. Your vet will know if your pet is suffering and if it is time now. I know that it is a very difficult situation, but sometimes you have to let go of the ones you love. Your heart will tell you the truth, good luck and keep in touch!