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Followup question

18 14:55:07

Hi Jana, I sent you a question about flea control last week and you provided me wonderfully detailed info.  I have a followup: Can my cat safely go outside now that he has been treated with the flea control (squirt kind)?  ALso, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you this:  I have a large pitcher of water mixed with plant food which my cat got into and drank about 6 ounces this week.  It hasn't made him sick, but I'm concerned about long-term problems, especially considering most plant food is high in nitrogen, which turns into ammonia in the urinary system.  Any suggestions are appreciated.  Thanks again!  I nominated you for volunteer of the month!

Hi Patricia,
Thanks for the nomination. Just remember that there are much more dangerous things outside for cats than fleas.
He can go outside now with the Advantage on him.

As far as the water goes, I would Not let him drink from that. The plant food they mix is nothing but chemicals and these are toxic in large doses. Granted he got a diluted amount, but over the long haul these could be toxic to him. Better safe than sorry. I would store this water in a covered ex-juice container with a lid. Then you know he isn't getting into any.

Keep an eye on him outside. Stray cats (which carry diseases), cars and dogs are much more of a risk then the fleas he might pick up.