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Rescued baby bunny

18 14:55:07

My children rescued a baby bunny from a cat. We have not been able to locate his nest and are unsure of how to care for him. He is small, palm sized, and his eyes are open. Will he be able to survive without his mother? If not, how do we care for him? I have attempted to contact a local rehab for wild animals but, unfortunately, they are close don weekends. I'm fearful of placing him outside without a nest as the cat we rescued him from may find him again.  I hope you can help us

Bunnies like this are very hard to care for. If he has long ears tipped in black he is a black tailed hare- and they are much easier to feed. Those are precocial animals, meaning they are eating and running as soon as they are born. A palmed size bunny with its eyes open could be either a hare or an older cottontail. Cottontails are born blind,naked and they nurse on their mom's.

They do not have the black tipped ears. Hares can be fed grasses and leaves from tender fruit trees whereas the bunnies can eat that as long as they are weaned. You might want to get some kitten milk replacer and a nursing bottle and see if it will nurse. You must use kitten milk replacer or the bunny will have major digestion issues and die.
You cannot be sure this one will make it anyway as cat attacks are usually not good. They bite hard to catch them resulting in deep tissue and organ injuries that you cannot see. So prepare your kids for the fact bunny might not live long.

Cottontail nests are sometimes underground making them very hard to find.
So get the milk but try and get him to eat grass and vegetation first.

If you send me a photo I can help you identify what kind of bunny he is.
Please let me know how he does.