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Dog anal irritation

18 13:52:58

Hi, I just noticed my dog's anus is red, and he trying to lick it and scoot his butt on the ground. This has happened once before a couple months ago and the vet gave us an antimicrobial shampoo and powder to use everyday on his rear for a week and Clavamox pills. This cleared up the infection or "bacterial overgrowth" as the vet called it but it is now happening again! Is there anything I can do or change to prevent this? He is a 34lb, pointer hound mutt, 5 years old. He eats Victor Yukon River salmon/sweet potato grain free. The vet also expressed his anal glands last time and she said they were fine as well. He has normal poop. No other current issues.

Hi Belinda,  Yes, I can help with your dog's anal glad problem.  Do see your Vet for a follow-up visit if you notice any red areas or swelling.  Otherwise, I can help with the following suggestions :

Continue on the Victor dog food .. YOU are feeding a good brand and flavor

Start adding metamucil cookies to the diet every other day , long term   -- Yes, it's safe and works great to add a little more fiber to the diet  --  here is a link to the Metamucil product

Last , Start your dog onto the NuVET Plus daily vitamin supplement , order here and tell them Pet nurse Marie sent you order code 81098   HOLISTIC and NOT sold in stores
The product is made in the USA, natural and helps with skin, coat, anal glands and healing - YOU want the GREEN bottle

Make sure your boy gets fresh water daily .

Also, check out my blog often.. LOTS of helpful info
Here is one of my HOME cooking recipes..  YES, Beans for dogs, SEE here if you want to home cook