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Green Iguana

18 15:16:07

A few days ago, I took my green iguana to see a vet for a check-up. Two weeks before the checkup, I adopted Princess from a family and it was obvious that she sustained a few injuries AND had MBD. The vet told me that Princess had broken her back in the past and she was also unable to pass urine. Then, the vet opened the area underneath the iguana with something that looked like a tweaser and squeezed Princess. A lot of water came out. The vet told me that I have to help my iguana go to the bathroom because she is partially paralyzed after breaking her back. For the past couple of days, I tried to help her go to the bathroom,but I couldn't get Princess to pee. Is there any easy way to do this? If not, would you please send me some advice on this subject? Thanks.

I guess I should add to my profile that I don't do reptiles either, because I don't know the first thing about Iguanas. I don't even know what MBD is.

You can post this question in the reptile section or into the answer pool, and then one of the vet's in here can answer it for you.

Personally, I would go back to the vet's and have him show you once again how to do that. If she is having problems urinating, how is she going to pass stool?
Did you know this iguana was this disabled when you got her? This is a really tough thing you are going to have to do for a long time.
So you might want to think about that on your way to the vet's...

Sorry I can't be of any help.