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18 15:46:10

I am a college student living in a house with three other girls and one boy. It is a large house off campus and we are allowed to have pets. I was wondering if you had any good ideas for a pet for me. I am looking for something that is fairly cheap, cuddily, and easy to take care of. I specifically would like something that can sleep with me. A cat is out of the question because my roommate is allergic and I cannot have a dog. I looked into a monkey but it was too expensive. Then i looked at a duck but was told they shouldn't be house pets. I was considering a ferret but was concerned with the idea of dragging a large cage home when I needed to go home for christmas. Let me know what you think. Thanks

Monkey?  cheap? and cuddly?   How about taking care of a 2 year old for 20 plus years? AND they can transmit a deadly herpes to people (used to be a lab technician)

If you have roomates that are allergic- keep the fur down to the minimum. Also the idea of a cage seems too much for you.

Perhaps fish. Or rather wait till you are out of college for the summer.

From what I am getting from your situation, none of you are ready for the responsibility or the want of a pet.