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My Dogs Stuffed-up Nose

18 15:40:04

How can I clean out my dog's nose.  He has been ill for a long time and in and out of the vet's.  But I need a way to make him more comfortable while at home.  If he can not breath through his nose, he has to pant.  Is there some way to get a picture of the inside of what a dog's nose is supposed to look like, so I do not hurt him trying to get out the dried snot?  I usually take him into the bathroom while I take a shower to loosen the mucus.  But he still breaths heavy.

Hi Dawn!

Serve it hot. Giving your pet a hot, steaming meal will do more than tickle his taste buds. The heat will also help unclog blocked sinuses, helping him to breathe easier. To fix him a hot meal, just add warm water to his kibble to make a soothing, steaming broth. Or pop his usual food in the microwave for a minute or two. Just don't get it so hot it burns his mouth.

Upgrade the menu. While a pet with sinusitis may not feel like eating, it's improtant to provide good nutrition to keep his immine system strong and help him recover. Vets recommend tempting him with some of his favorite food. For cats, tuna is always a good choice, while dogs will enjoy a snack of cooked liver.

Keep his nose clean. Sinusitis may cause large amounts of mucus to accumulate around the nostrils, which will make your pet uncomfortable and possibly interfere with breathing.. Sponge his face with a warm, damp cloth to remove secretions before they cause problems.

Rub his face gently. If the nose is alerady very irritated or sore, you've got to be gentle. Vet recommend wiping the nose with baby wipes, moistened towelettes that contain soothing ingredients such as aloe vera.

Turn up the steam. Putting moisture into the air in easy wat to soothe irritated mucous and unclog blocked sinuses. Vets recommend taking your pet into the bathroom with you when you bathe or shower. A steamy bathroom can be helpful.

Plug in the vaporizer. Another way to put soothing moisture into the air is with a hot water vaporizer. Adding a little menthol ointment or liquid to the mix can be particularly helpful. The menthol has a soothing action on delicate tissues and helps open the sinuses. Using a cold water humidifier will also help the mucous membranes moist and comfortable.

Drop in relief.  Putting several drops of sterile saline nose drops, which are available in drugstores, into your pet's nostrils will help relieve irritation and temporarily thin secretions, helping unclog the sinuses. Just tip your pet's head back and put one or two drops into each nostril.


While sinus problems may be caused by nothing more seriosut han a grass seed sniffed into the schnozz, in some cases it's a warning sign that a bacterial infection has taken hold. In fact, nasal discharge from one nostril can also be a sign of cancer. If your pet has a fever and thick, discoloured mucus and seems to be unusually tired or lethargic, call your vet. He may prescribe antibiotics or other medications to keep the infection under control.

Remember, before using any of this information, pleace call your vet to make sure it's okay because every dog is diferent.

I hope this is helpful and please keep me updated! Sending wagging tails your way!...Nikki...