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dog ate corn cobs

18 15:54:30

How bad is it for a dog to eat several corn cobs?

thnak you.

Hi Lauren!  Eating corn cobs can be a bad thing.  They are not very digestable, and have a tendancy to get stuck in the intestinal track.  What size dog is this?  If this is a large dog, the cobs may pass with no problem.  If this is a small to medium dog, you most likely will have a problem.  You can keep an eye on him and at the first signs of any of the symptoms immediate vet visit is needed:
Straining during defecation
Sore belly
Increased or decreased drinking
All of these symptoms would indicate an obstruction in the intestinal track.  If you see your dog defecating with no straining for three straight days...this would mean that the corn cobs have passed and there is no concern.  It is very important to get your dog veterinary care ASAP if you see any of the above symptoms, or anything that is not typical behavior of your dog.
Please let me know how he/she does!