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ruptured disc problem

18 15:29:46

QUESTION: I have a small(8lb.)shiz tsu,with a ruptured disc.problem.She's 4yrs.old. 1st.incident at 1yr.,ok until 3yrs,now treatment-zubrin and tramadol is not working.only relieves symtons temp. Is there an alternative to surgery. What are the newest surgeries available? They have come so far with human back surgeries.

ANSWER: Cherry,
I am not aware of any new procedures being done for dogs for ruptured discs. Surgery to relieve the pressure is usually the only thing that works. A disc fenestration is still done on people as well-I had one done myself.
If you want to see about new surgeries, call your local veterinary teaching hospital and ask there. They would be the ones that know. In California that would be US Davis. I don't know where you live so I cannot tell you which one is closest to you.
Do an internet search also for the teaching hospitals near you or for the newest in canine orthopedic procedures for backs.
Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My vet put Poppy back on Zuprin and send it was quite safe.Maybe this will be a long-term treatment? What is a disc fenestation? I live in the Wash.,D.C.area. Thank you so much!

Zubrin is one of the newest of the non-steroidal pain relievers and has very few side effects.
One of the main reasons it works well is because it lasts longer in the body than other drugs with more safety for dogs with diminished renal (kidney) capacity.
I think this is a wise choice for now. However, if your dog was 12 and not 4 I would say it's a life time choice, but at her age there has to be a more lasting solution.
A disc fenestration is when they go in and clean out the offending disc material and take the pressure off of the nerves that exit out of the spinal column where the disc is protruding from.
Here is the web site on Zuprin. It has all kinds of information on the drug and maybe help you decide what to do long term.
(paste this into your browser)

There are laser treatments available for this type of surgery so that would be something you might want to explore.
You'll have to copy and paste that into your browser.

Another option is acupuncture and acupressure therapy as well as other alternatives such as magnets which work really well for most dogs. I have used Nikken magnets on dogs here with good results.
Do a little research online and see what you can find.
Beware of some advice online and only go to sites that are reputable.