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9 year-old Indoor Cat with Stomach issues?

18 15:13:54


My 9 year old cat has been acting strange.  She is normally a very independent cat and like to be where she can always see what is going on.  The past few days she has taken to staying under the bed, and doesn't even come out when I get home from work until I coax her out.  At night she has been very clingy to me.  Whereas she normally sleeps at my feet through the night, she seems to pace around me, meowing until all hours.  Last night she laid on my pillow and I could hear lots of activity in her stomach; gurgling and whatnot.  She seems to be eating and drinking normally, but seems to be moving bowel a bit less.  
Is she constipated?  Is there some at home remedy I can do, or does she need to see a vet?

Hi Carrie - I can help - Yes, please give some canned pumpkin - this is full of good fiber - give two teaspoons in the am and 1 teaspoon in the pm.
Also, some salmon oil - 1 teaspoon per day - always - just mix into the food. YOU can get salmon oil at any pet stores.

Also, to make sure this constipation doesn't happen again ( or back up) please give NuVET Feline Formula - this is a powder you mix into her food each day - just a small amount.
Also the cost is only about .55 cents per day for NuVET feline.
Call today and order - they will get it right out to you.
1-800-474-7044 ( tell them Marie sent you - 81098 )
NuVET is not sold in stores...

I sure hope this helps -
Good Luck