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Dog has hind leg problem

18 14:46:33

Hi-I have a six year old german shepard great dane mix who is normally very athletic, loves to swim etc... She plays hard and usually ends up slightly stiff in the rear, but after a good nights rest she is fine. This last time she remained stiff with a slight limp in her left hind leg. We took her to the vet and he diagnosed her with a soft tissue injury. He said to limit her activity until it healed, but now it switched to her back right leg and is so bad she won't put it down she limps on three legs. I am taking her back on Friday(when I get paid) but i would like to know if you think it is a soft tissue injury or something else like a spinal problem or pinched nerve. If we severely limit her activity do you think it might heal on its own? Could it be a reaction to the rabies or distemper vaccine she received when she was at the vets office? Any info would be appreciated

Scott -  

You should follow the recommendations of your veterinarian. The symptoms you describe sound as if your dog may have arthritis - lameness in alternating limbs, etc.  

I would not rule out a pinched nerve or spinal problems  - but discuss that with your vet.

Resting an injury is a good way for the leg to heal.  There are also other therapies that can help improve lameness - antiinflammatory medication are almost always helpful when used in pain management. Again, you should discuss your concerns with your vet -

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM