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my cat is pregnant

18 15:54:56

My cat is pregnant and is about to give birth what am i supposed to do while she is giving birth so that she gives birth she's ok.

Hi Ramon!

While dogs and cats are usually well-prepared to give birth on their own,there are times when you'll need to don your midwife's hat and lenda hand.
   Sometimes,for example,the puppy or kitten will come only halfway out,despite the moter's persistent straining.What happens,you may need to assist the birth.While someone holds your pet's head to prevent her from lashing out,gently grasy the young one with a clean towel and pull firmly.If it doesn't slide out quickly and easily,stop pulling and call your veterinarian immediately.
   Once a puppy or kitten is born,the mother will unusually instictivly tear off the amniotic sac (if it's still covering the body),sever the umbilical cord and roughly lick the baby to stimulate its breathing and circulation.But if she hasn't taken action within about 30 seconds,it's probably time for you to step in.
   To remove the amniotic sac,start at the baby's mouth and work backward,peeling it off with your fingers.Gently clean the mucus from the mouth with your finger,then rub him virorously for several seconds with a clean terry towel or washcloth.
   At this point you should ste back and encourage your pet to lick her baby and sever the umbilical cord.If she doesn't follow through in about a minute,you'll have to cut the cord yourself.
   Cut two pieces of sewing thread and wet them in alcohol.Tie them snugly around the cord about 1 1/2 inches from the young one's tummy and 3 or 4 inches from the placenta.Snip the between the threads with sharp,sterilized scissors,then dab the end of the cord with iodine to prevent infection.
   With the cloth,vigorously rub the puppy or kitten again,holding him head-down to allow secretions in his nose,mouth and ears to run out.Then check his breathing.If he squeaks,you know he's breathing.But you can look closely and tell,too.
   One you're sure the puppy or kitten is in good working order,place him facing his mother's nipples and let her take over.

If you would like more information on declawing,vet care,shots and vaccinations or any growing cycles,please feel free to ask me any time!

I hope this has been helpful adn I wish you the best of lcuk!Please keep me posted and give that mama cat and her babies millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!